8/8 The Lion’s Gate Portal
The Lion's Gate Portal that takes place today, 8/8, is the most powerful day to manifest your desires.
You can manifest on any day, but August 8th is the annual alignment of the Leo Sun and the star Sirius.
This alignment means there is an increased energy flow between the spiritual and physical planes making it an amazing day to manifest your desires.
How to Use the Lion's Gate Portal to Manifest Your Desires:
Take time today to focus on your desires so that you can manifest them into your reality.
Pull out your journal and a pen and make a list of all of the things you would like to manifest.
Be very clear and concise on exactly what you want to manifest.
Imagine Already Having Your Desires Now
After you are done listing out each desire, take time to imagine already having each manifestation now.
If you want to manifest a specific car, imagine that you already own that car.
If you want to manifest your crush asking you out, imagine going on a date with your crush.
You can imagine each scene while meditating or taking a bubble bath.
Stay in the State of Wish Fulfilled
Once you have imagined everything, your job is to stay in the wish-fulfilled state and know that it's already done.
Keep embodying the state of already having your desires now.
Want to manifest a big wad of cash?
Imagine and embody the feelings of already having that big wad of cash now.
It's done!
Want to take your Lion's Gate manifestation ritual a step further?
Take a look at all of my manifestation products that will help aid you in manifesting your desires in my Lion's Gate Portal sale here: The Lion's Gate Sale
The Lion's Gate Sale ends on Saturday, August 12th.
xo Nina